
Living Within Your Purpose

I decided to start blogging because there are so many people out here that are looking for information, advice, a listening ear, wondering if there is someone out there that can relate to the issues they are having. Sometimes, you would never know that there is a world full of people that are experiencing the same things you are going through. There are people out here who might be searching for answers to problems that you have already overcome or found a solution for. It’s not always healthy to bottle up your problems and thoughts. Keeping them inside could possibly cause more problems than letting them out or talking with someone. Maybe, starting a blog and writing about them could be an option. The world makes it seem as if having problems make you a bad person or your less than the next person. When in fact, everyone has problems of some sort. No one is better than you. No one can make you feel down about yourself. How someone may feel about you is their problem, not yours. Loving yourself may be the first best thing you could do. And, you don’t need anyone help in doing that. Just be the best you that you can be and if someone doesn’t like it, maybe that person does not belong in your life. All to often we allow the wrong people in our personal space. Get rid of anything that don’t bring you peace and happiness. Life is entirely too short for having a self made negative energy around. Allow those that uplift, inspire, motivate, and celebrate you to enjoy your life journey. Not everyone you meet is worthy of the title “friend.” That’s a huge title to give someone. Make sure they live up to the expectation. After all, life is precious and divine. Live the best way that you can, by being the best version of yourself that you can be. Thanks for reading, Velma.

School Shooting in Saint Louis, Mo!

School shooting? Yes, it’s the last thing you would ever think is possible in a Saint Louis Public School. So sad and unfortunate that this is what our world has come down to in the year of 2022. A armed teenager who graduated from the school a year before, decided to come back and take two lives while injuring 5-6 others. Causing extreme pain within our community.

How does something like this happen? My answer is, lack of parental control and parenting! It starts at home! If people would just RAISE their children correctly and responsibly, these things would be at a minimum. In my opinion, I believe if we start holding parents responsible for their children actions, many crime will be at an all time low. It is time for us to have this conversation. We must not continue to put it on the back burner. Too often, teenagers have access to a parents gun and may decide to take it. Too often, teenagers go out and purchase illegal weapons without the parent being knowledgeable. But, these things come along with parenting skills. No one is exempt when it comes to the behavior of their child! Teach your children, show them love, make them understand right from wrong! Especially if you have made mistakes in your past! Those are grounds for you to teach them better than you were taught. No More Excuses! It’s time for parents to stay out of the clubs partying, out with bae at the movies, and away from the winery. Go home and go raise your kids! These children are out here raising themselves and we wonder why they are so lost. Go be a PARENT! Go get YOUR KIDS! Stop chasing and start parenting. The world needs your help with your kids.

If you want more information on the story, please go on Facebook and follow Real STL News.